1/48 Eduard Fw190 A-8, ALFRED BINDSEIL, 6./JG 1, Störmede, Germany, Spring 1944

1/48 Eduard Fw190 A-8, ALFRED BINDSEIL, 6./JG 1, Störmede, Germany, Spring 1944
Fw 190A-8, 6./JG 1, based at Stormede, Germany, spring of 1944. The pilot of this machine was Feldwebel Alfred Bindseil, who’s commanding officer at the time was Heinz Bär.
Bindseil achieved five victories, one of which was on the 13th of May, 1944, when he severed the tail surfaces of a Mustang with his propeller. Despite damage to his own aircraft, he managed to land safely back at his base. He went MIA on June 20, 1944, after combat with Spitfires at St. Lo, in France. His aircraft is currently reconstructed and displayed in Germany.